Top 10 Road Trip Games to Play While Traveling

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Road Trip Games

Let’s face it… long stretches in the car can get boring fast.

We’ve traveled the entire country several times, and spent thousands of hours in the car. During that time, we’ve done a lot of research and messing around to find fun road trip games to keep us entertained.

Realizing that we’re not the only ones who get bored in the car, we decided to compile a list of 10 super fun road trip games to turn boring road trips into fun ones!

Some are kid-friendly, some are for adults, but all are fun for everyone involved. 

Ready to be a master at road trip games? Continue reading for inspiration or use the table of contents below to jump ahead.

Table of Contents

Our Current Favorite Road Trip Game

Have you seen the TikToks where someone says a word, then describes another word that sounds similar to that word?

For example, “Wood! That’s the stuff you eat.” “No, you’re thinking of FOOD! Wood is the sound that dogs make.” “No, no. Thats WOOF! Wood is the word that describes something you wanted to do but didn’t.” “No, that’s WOULD! Wood is…”

You get the idea! Try it out. It can provide at least 30 minutes of fun on the road 🙂

Related Post — Must Have Road Trip Essentials List

Top 5 Children’s Road Trip Games

If you go on long road trips or RV with your children, chances are you’ve heard them say…

“I’m bored! Are we there yet?”

Hearing this time and time again can get pretty annoying (and could cause a few harsh words to be said).

With these road trip games, you’ll be able to keep everyone in the car happy (and occupied). Please note: Car accidents in the US are common! Drive safe and always be looking at the road if you’re driving!

1. Road Trip Scavenger Hunt

I don’t know about you, but when I was younger I loved scavenger hunts.

Something about being the first one to find a pine cone or a really smooth rock made me smile more than anything else.

You could download the scavenger hunt to the right here, or come up with your own list depending on what you usually see in your area.

You really can’t go wrong with this game!

Road Trip Scavenger Hunt

2. D.R.I.V.E (Bingo)


Regardless of where you live, this Bingo game will entertain your children for hours.

Looking for airplanes, fire hydrants, cows, people riding bicycles… it might be impossible for your kids to find what they’re after – but they’ll still have fun looking!

Download the PDF for this awesome game here, or create your own to customize the difficulty level. 

Oh – and don’t forget the prizes!!

3. “What’s In the Truck?” Drawing Template

This is perfect if you’re going to be driving down the highway and see 18-wheelers. 

Children can draw what they think is in the truck with the PDF here. Things like this allow your child to be creative (while occupying them for a while).

What's In the Truck?

4. License Plate Coloring Map

License Plate Coloring Map

Are you and the kids heading out of the state for awhile?

This license plate coloring map is a must have for those going on a long road trip!

Download the license plate coloring map here. This is perfect to use until your child fills the entire map, too!

5. Disney Inspired “Would You Rather?”

Is your child a fairy tale lover? Do they sing Disney songs randomly and crave adventure?

This game will be perfect for them! Ask them some hard to decide questions such as “Would you rather fly by holding helium balloons or be sprinkled with Pixie Dust?”

Download the PDF for this game here!

Disney Inspired Would You Rather

Related Reading: 20 People Share Why They Decided to Live in an RV

Top 5 Road Trip Games For Adults

Children’s games are easy enough to find and play but when it comes to adults traveling alone, the atmosphere will be different.

Playing Disney inspired “Would you rather” or coloring a “What’s in the Truck” piece of paper isn’t going to be on your mind (but hey, if it is, feel free to print the PDFs!).

The next five road trip games will be fun to play whether you’re a couple or just a couple of friends on a road trip.

PS – You could easily buy templates for these games on sites like Amazon and Etsy. And these make great gifts for RVers!

1. Road Trip Conversation Starters

Road Trip Conversation Starters

After being in the car for a few hours, you may find yourself not knowing what to say.

At least, Bill and I sometimes have this problem! When this happens, we’ll look on our phones to find some awesome conversation starters.

If using data is an issue for you, download this PDF to get a few conversations started.

This is a great way to connect and learn more about your partner!

2. “What’s That Tune?” Game

All you need for this game is a smartphone (or a few CDs with old(ish) music!

Play a small snippet of a song and see if your partner can guess the tune! 

Just be careful not to get too distracted!

What's that tune?

3. Guess Who (Travel Edition)

Guess Who

I’m sure that you’ve all heard of the infamous game “Guess Who”. But, did you know you could play it from the road (without any game pieces in front of you)?

To do this, have your partner think of someone famous (celebrity level, an astronomer, or a world leader).

You get 10 guesses to figure out who they’re thinking of (good luck!). 

This game might sound a bit bland at first, but by the time you get into the questions, you won’t want to stop playing!

4. Podcasts

I get it, listening to a podcast doesn’t sound like a very fun “game”.

But if you listen to one with your partner, you can pause it after hearing something inspiring and get into a deep conversation.

Give it a try, you might love it!


5. Word Association

Word Association

Test your knowledge to see how long you can associate words!

To play, choose a word like “Pumpkin”. The next best answer would be “Pie” or “Fall”, but if someone said “Bird” it’s game over.

This game will stir up some laughs!

What’s Your Favorite Road Trip Game?

We hope you enjoyed this list filled with fun road trip games! Check out these road trip essentials to take on your journey as well!

Did we miss a fun one? What’s your favorite road trip game to play?

Let us know in the comments below!

Until then, happy travels!

Want to go on the ultimate road trip? Click here to check out 100’s of RV rentals!

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