Most Traveled US Presidents (118 Years of Data)

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Did you know that Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson did no international travel at all?

Theodore Roosevelt was the mold-breaker.

Theodore Roosevelt was the first US president to leave the country on official state business.

In 1906, he visited Panama to inspect construction of Panama Canal.

And thus started a great tradition of Presidential travel.


Quick Stats and FactsTrump vs. Obama: Foreign TripsTrump vs. George W. Bush: Foreign TripsTrump vs Clinton: International TravelMost Traveled US PresidentMost Popular Countries for US PresidentsCombined Map of All US Presidential VisitsIndividual President Foreign Trip Country Maps

Quick Stats and Facts

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Which President has traveled the most while in office?

George W. Bush is the most traveled US President with 140 international visits.

William J. Clinton and Barack Obama are close 2nd and 3rd with 133 and 120 international visits respectively.

Donald J. Trump is the 9th most traveled US President with only 34 international visits.  This shocked us most of all.  See the animations below to get a real sense of the difference.

Theodore Roosevelt & Calvin Coolidge are the least traveled US Presidents with only 1 international visit each.

The UK is the most popular country with 64 or 8% of all visits.

115 countries were visited in total. That’s 59% of the world’s countries. Leaving 41% unvisited.

Franklin D. Roosevelt visited the Bahamas 5 times. 4 of which were, ahem, fishing trips.

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Trump vs. Obama: Foreign Trips

Donald J. Trump has made 34 international visits versus Barrack Obama’s 120 international visits.

Obama has made 3.5 times more international visits than Trump.

Obama made an average of 15 international visits per year, whereas Trump has made an average of 10 visits per year.

Trump vs. George W. Bush: Foreign Trips

Donald J. Trump has made 34 international visits versus George W. Bush’s 140 international visits.

Bush has made 4.1 times more international visits than Trump.

Bush made an average of 18 international visits per year, whereas Trump has made an average of 10 visits per year.

Trump vs Clinton: Foreign Trips

Donald J. Trump has made 34 international visits versus Bill Clinton’s 133 international visits.

Clinton has made 3.9 times more international visits than Trump.

Clinton made an average of 17 international visits per year, whereas Trump has made an average of 10 visits per year.

Most Traveled US President

George W. Bush is the most traveled US President to date.

Donald J. Trump is the 9th most traveled US President with 34 international visits under his belt.

Most Popular Countries for US Presidential Foreign Trips

The UK is by far the most visited country with 64 visits out of the 794 analysed. That’s 8% of all visits.

11 of the top 22 most visited countries are in Europe. That’s 50%.

South America is surprisingly under-represented with only 3 countries in the top 22 most visited list, or 13%.

Asia also has 3 countries in the top 22 list.

Combined Map of All US Presidential Foreign Trips

115 countries were visited in total.

That’s 59% of the world’s countries.

Leaving 41% unvisited.

Individual President Foreign Trip Maps

Foreign Trips by Woodrow Wilson

Foreign Trips by Calvin Coolidge

Foreign Trips by Herbert C. Hoover

Foreign Trips by Franklin D. Roosevelt

Foreign Trips by Harry S. Truman

Foreign Trips by Dwight D. Eisenhower

Foreign Trips by John F. Kennedy

Foreign Trips by Lyndon B. Johnson

Foreign Trips by Richard M. Nixon

Foreign Trips by Gerald R. Ford

Foreign Trips by Jimmy Carter

Foreign Trips by Ronald Reagan

Foreign Trips by George H.W. Bush

Foreign Trips by Bill Clinton

Foreign Trips by George W. Bush

Foreign Trips by Barrack Obama

Foreign Trips by Donald J. Trump

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Have you traveled more than our Presidents? 

Let us know in the comments below.

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