Hey, there!
We’re Bill, Kayla and Luna the cat, owners of The Wandering RV travel and guides blog. Thanks for signing up to get your free PDF of the Ultimate Guide to RVing!
We wanted to take a second to give you a big Welcome to The Wandering RV Family!
Traveling makes you happy… and a little weird. 🙂
Seriously, we’re STOKED to have you here. You’re gonna love it. We’re so grateful you decided to join us on our adventures.
Click here to go to your free PDF guide!
Here’s what you can expect from us…
We’ll publish a blog post once or twice a month on RV lifestyle tips, travel advice, and general camping and hiking stuff. (Basically everything to do with living life to the FULLEST!)
Once we hit “publish”, we’ll send you an email with a short description of the post, why we think you’ll love it, and a link to read it.
We’ll also occasionally send emails full of inspiration, quotes, pictures, and anything else we think you’ll love.
Sound fair?
Here’s what you need to do now to get started:
STEP 1: Make sure you’re getting our emails!
Whitelist and prioritize all emails from “thewanderingrv.com” and “Bill Widmer”.
This is important!
If our emails aren’t getting through, you’ll miss out on all our updates (and you won’t receive the full benefits of being a Wandering RV subscriber).
So please take the following simple steps to ensure nothing slips through the cracks:
1) Follow the whitelisting instructions for your email provider at this page: https://www.thewanderingrv.com/email-whitelisting/
2) If you’re a Gmail user or you use any other web-based email that filters broadcasts away from your main inbox, be sure to “drag” any emails from The Wandering RV or Bill Widmer into your Priority inbox. (Again, you don’t want to miss something.)
STEP 2: Let’s get social…
Take two seconds and join The Wandering RV on Facebook and Pinterest, as these are our primary ways of communication outside of email updates, and again you don’t want to miss a thing.
(TIP: If you need to get in touch with us, just send a Facebook message to our page @TheWanderingRV or reply to this email.)
STEP 3: Tell us a bit about yourself.
We have posts for full-timers, vacationers, and people who don’t even have an RV. To help us send you the best posts for where you’re at right now, click the link below that best describes you:
This step is important so we can personalize the emails you receive based on what’s best for you. 🙂
Talk soon,Bill, Kayla & LunaThe Wandering RV
P.S. The next few days are going to be awesome…
Because as an added bonus for subscribing, we’re going to send you the best posts we’ve written and come across as full-time RVers.
Tomorrow you’re going to get the first of the “big three”.
It’s one of our all-time best posts.
Stay tuned… it’s gonna be good!
(And again, click here for your free PDF guide.)